
Members convene and deepen their spiritual lives. Especially at a time where many leave their homes, the movement encourages maintenance of the strong bond one has with their faith and a continuation of the Orthodox experience. Bible study classes, thought-talks to address certain doubts or questions, and liturgical review are a few examples of how MGOCSM enhances worship.


By engaging in classes on faith, liturgy, & the traditions of the Church and looking for opportunities for personal development, members study the faith in a way that is applicable to their lives now. Members prepare themselves to be responsible leaders in the Church and in society.


The faithful are servants of Christ. The MGOCSM of North America has expanded its ministry by offering annual mission trips to India and other places in America, leadership camps, the celebration of MGOCSM Day, observance of Service Day, and so much more. On a local level, the students collaborate to work with the rest of the community on service initiatives such as soup kitchen, educational programs, or our Church charity project: Through His Eyes.